A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bank balance smaller, home happier, clothes dirty, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for.


Live Every moment, Laugh Everyday, Love Beyond Words

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Mind your own business, LADY!

Steve, Maddie & I were out and about picking up some baby supplies. We stopped at Chic Fil A for lunch... There was an older lady sitting in the booth in front of me and would not staring at me, giving me some nasty looks. I couldn't let it continue, so when Steve left for the bathroom, I addressed her... this is how the conversation went:

Me: "Hi."
Her: "You look like one of them young mothers ya know?"
Me: "Well, Im 24."
Her: "You look like a teenager! I thought she might be your sister."
Me: "She's my daughter. I guess looking young will serve me well when Im 40!"
Her: "I sure hope so."

Really? Who the hell are YOU to judge ME, or anyone else for that matter? What if I was a single, young, teenage mother? What are you going to do about it? Curse my life and tell me all about how I need Jesus and shoulda kept my legs closed? Back up, turn around, and keep walking.

I normally don't let any comments like that bother me, but I think it was the actual dirty looks I was getting that made me want to say something.

You know, things happen. Girls get pregnant. It doesnt make them a bad person. I mean, you have no idea what her situation might be. It could be something awful, like a rape baby... but the girl would rather keep it than terminate the pregnancy. There are so many different situations and no one should feel they have the right to judge you. What so ever.

Im sure Jesse & Michellei get tons of dirty, judgmental looks in public. He's white, she's mixed and of course, so is Ethan. Why does race, age, religion matter? Why do people assume that because they are young, biracial, that they are "lower class citizens"? Breaks my heart that people are still like this after all of the hate crimes being committed. See TRAYVON MARTIN!

If people could come together, instead of keeping the divide, this world be such a better place for everyone... now and generations to come.  I guess I can only dream...