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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Prosecute the killer of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin | Change.org

Prosecute the killer of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin | Change.org:
'via Blog this'

Please tell me you are going to sign this petition.
Basically, Trayvon was racially profiled, as he was in a predominately white neighborhood. As he was leaving the gas station, with skittles and a tea for his younger brother, a white man shot him in "self defense"... as he thought the black boy was a suspicious person.

An excerpt from the petition article...

Prosecute the killer of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin"When Zimmerman reported Trayvon to the police, they told him not to confront him. But he did anyway. All I know about what happened next is that my 17 year-old son, who was completely unarmed, was shot and killed.
It's been nearly two weeks and the Sanford Police have refused to arrest George Zimmerman. In their public statements, they even go so far as to stand up for the killer - saying he's "a college grad" who took a class in criminal justice. "

Click the title link above to sign this petition, and many others, to have Trayvon's murderer prosecuted.