A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bank balance smaller, home happier, clothes dirty, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for.


Live Every moment, Laugh Everyday, Love Beyond Words

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Aveeno is the best!

Maddie has been having some skin troubles the past month or so. 
First, we went through a bout of Ringworm on her legs. It was awful. I felt so bad for her. How could MY daughter get ringworm... on her legs? WTF right? Well, the doctor said that sometimes it just happens. Didn't give me any comfort because I knew she had to be uncomfortable. 
We started treatment (Ketaconazole) for the Ringworm and Dr. Mody pointed out   
some Eczema on her arms and stomach. I had been using Aveeno Calming Lotion everyday and after baths of course. But it just didn't seem to help. 
I did some research and found this lotion. I have used it only 4 times
on her legs and now they are soooo smooth. I am definitely a believer, and we will be using this everyday!

Thanks Aveeno!!