A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bank balance smaller, home happier, clothes dirty, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for.


Live Every moment, Laugh Everyday, Love Beyond Words

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Mind your own business, LADY!

Steve, Maddie & I were out and about picking up some baby supplies. We stopped at Chic Fil A for lunch... There was an older lady sitting in the booth in front of me and would not staring at me, giving me some nasty looks. I couldn't let it continue, so when Steve left for the bathroom, I addressed her... this is how the conversation went:

Me: "Hi."
Her: "You look like one of them young mothers ya know?"
Me: "Well, Im 24."
Her: "You look like a teenager! I thought she might be your sister."
Me: "She's my daughter. I guess looking young will serve me well when Im 40!"
Her: "I sure hope so."

Really? Who the hell are YOU to judge ME, or anyone else for that matter? What if I was a single, young, teenage mother? What are you going to do about it? Curse my life and tell me all about how I need Jesus and shoulda kept my legs closed? Back up, turn around, and keep walking.

I normally don't let any comments like that bother me, but I think it was the actual dirty looks I was getting that made me want to say something.

You know, things happen. Girls get pregnant. It doesnt make them a bad person. I mean, you have no idea what her situation might be. It could be something awful, like a rape baby... but the girl would rather keep it than terminate the pregnancy. There are so many different situations and no one should feel they have the right to judge you. What so ever.

Im sure Jesse & Michellei get tons of dirty, judgmental looks in public. He's white, she's mixed and of course, so is Ethan. Why does race, age, religion matter? Why do people assume that because they are young, biracial, that they are "lower class citizens"? Breaks my heart that people are still like this after all of the hate crimes being committed. See TRAYVON MARTIN!

If people could come together, instead of keeping the divide, this world be such a better place for everyone... now and generations to come.  I guess I can only dream...

Friday, March 30, 2012

Job Update

Well, I did it. I got a job. GO Megan, GO Megan.

I had an interview on Wednesday at a big medical company. They sell supplies to hospitals and medical offices. (casting, splinting, compression hosiery, etc) Ill be working in the customer service department taking phone/email orders. My friend Kari works there and got me the interview! I am so thankful for her! I cant wait to start, however, Im not looking forward to Maddie going to daycare.

I was excited up until tonight. My Grandma isn't be too supportive and its really bothering me. All she keeps saying are negative comments. "You dont know how a daycare will take care of Maddie. You dont know what kind of people they are. I hate that you have to put her in a nursery. But I guess you do what you have to. "

If she's that concerned about where Maddie will be staying, why doesn't she offer to watch her?.. instead of making me feel like a bad Mother. I dont expect her to offer, but you'd think she would if she was this upset about it. But whatever...

I dont want to live with my in-laws forever. Don't get me wrong, I love them. But theres nothing like your own home. NOTHING.
I just wish Nanny was a little more supportive in my venture to support my family ... by any means necessary.

It all boils down to taking care of my daughter and being able to provide for her and Steve, the way he does. Pulling my own weight is important to me. Ive worked since I was 15 years old and have really only been out of work maybe a total of 6 months since then... so its all I know.

I did find an in-home daycare on the way to my new job. The lady seems amazing and her references couldnt say enough good things about her. We're going to visit her home next week. From what I can tell from google street view, her house is really nice. I know this doesnt determine how she will care for my baby, but it helps ease my mind slightly.

Wish my luck in our new start to building a new life with our new addition... !

Ginny got her braces off

Look at my beautiful cousin!
Just got her braces off sporting an amazing smile.
So happy for you Ginny!!! 
I love you so much and am so glad that we are as close as we are. 
You are one of the most wonderful person I have ever known. 
You have a heart of gold and a good head on your shoulders.
I want nothing but the best for you and hope that you always
strive to be the best (I know you will) 

I remember when I was 14 and thinking about how awesome its
going to be to take you to concerts when you were older.
Of course, back then, it was Backstreet Boys!
Drive you around and take you shopping. All that good stuff!

Anyway, I know how you can be so bashful so I dont want to 
embarrass you!

Love love love you.. Oh and here's a picture just for you!
Maddie with the bunny you gave her!

She loves it!
Nommed on its ears the whole way home.

More Memes!

So as you all know, if anyone is actually reading my blog... I love Memes... funny pictures, basically funny shit. Here's a few of the latest Ive collected from my lovely ladies on BabyCenter.











I think Ginny is the only one who reads my posts :)
So my next post is JUST for her!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Mixed Emotions & Lighter notes...

     I mentioned to Steve last week that I wanted to find a job. I didn't think he'd take it to heart so fast, but told me to start looking. When he told me that, I lost it. I grabbed my sweet baby and held her tight and I just cried. I cried and cried. Shit, I am still crying. I am terrified of putting my baby in day care. I know I will have to one day, but at 4 months... it just seems too soon. I spend every day and every night with my baby. We have so much fun and I never miss a beat. I never miss a smile or a coo or a laugh or a shrill that she thinks is hilarious.
     I dont want to work yet. Not because I am lazy. I actually enjoy working, making money, and providing for my family. If I got a job now, we could save some amount of money and eventually move out of Steve's parents house. Now dont get me wrong on this subject either. I am more than grateful for them letting us live here for free. I dont know what we would be doing without them.. HOWEVER, as a Mother, Id rather have my own house, my own food, my own everything that I have provided. But one thing that I have learned, is that you are not truly grown up, until you can swallow your pride and ask for help. That, I learned from Dad. 
     I know that when it finally IS time to take her to daycare, or a sitter, I am going to be a hot mess. I am one right now just thinking about it. Interacting with other kids her age and learning new things is what I would love for her. Yes, I know she'll get sick and bring home germies. But that'll happen at daycare, school, wherever. So that is something Ill have to come to terms with and deal with as it comes. From reading all of this I seem to be worrying about things that aren't happening yet, BUT, what kind of parent would I be if I didn't at least sort of plan for the future?

On a lighter note...

Just took her downstairs with me to make some grilled cheese. She loves to watch whoever is in the kitchen cooking. She watches your every move and will usually only talk to you if you arent paying attention to her. Now shes sleeping in her swing, even though it doesn't swing anymore. It was a hand me down (LOVE IT, so sad to see it go) from Kristina. Its 7 years old and we've all gotten great use out of it. But since she loves to swing so much, we're buying a new one this weekend. One that plugs into the wall. Not having to buy batteries would damn near pay for the swing! Steve and I were talking about it on the way home from the park yesterday. We'd take an old school crank up swing at this point. If it can swing for 10-15 minutes, Im good. She's asleep before those 15 minutes are up any ways. 

I should do a little cleaning... I dont want to, who does right? But it has to be done.

Crazy Dreams

I had a dream last night that someone, I dont even know/remember who... was "baby sitting" Maddie and I asked where she was going to sleep. The person replied, "Between the two of us"... (now that its starting to come back to me, I remember it being a couple.) I was crushed but knew that I couldnt do anything about it if I HAD to leave her with someone. I came back, and my sweet baby was just fine. Sleeping on a huge bed (had to be bigger than California kind size in my dream) I remember climbing in bed and falling asleep next to her. Of course I ended up waking up in my own bed, her in her crib and a pounding in my chest. I hate dreams like that.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Prosecute the killer of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin | Change.org

Prosecute the killer of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin | Change.org:
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Please tell me you are going to sign this petition.
Basically, Trayvon was racially profiled, as he was in a predominately white neighborhood. As he was leaving the gas station, with skittles and a tea for his younger brother, a white man shot him in "self defense"... as he thought the black boy was a suspicious person.

An excerpt from the petition article...

Prosecute the killer of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin"When Zimmerman reported Trayvon to the police, they told him not to confront him. But he did anyway. All I know about what happened next is that my 17 year-old son, who was completely unarmed, was shot and killed.
It's been nearly two weeks and the Sanford Police have refused to arrest George Zimmerman. In their public statements, they even go so far as to stand up for the killer - saying he's "a college grad" who took a class in criminal justice. "

Click the title link above to sign this petition, and many others, to have Trayvon's murderer prosecuted.

Who has the time for nail polish? | BabyCenter

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Jade is the new black by OPI

I know I dont. I have attempted to paint my nails 5 different times today. I officially give up. We are going to the park and I wanted to have some pretty nails for my flip flops. Im going to attempt it one more time. 

Some of my favorite shades include "Jade is the new Black" by OPI... I got this color right before I had Maddie when I got my last pedicure. It looked so adorable on my little toes. And of course, EVERY girl loves red! I think Ill go with that today, if Im even able to pain them! Im not even going to worry about my finger nails... because as soon as I start them, I know Maddie will wake up and need me. 
To all you ladies out there who like nicely manicured nails and going to the salon isn't in the budget... like me... try a few of these things. 

    A fast drying nail polish for us Moms on the go is your best bet. One of my fave brands is the Diamond Shine! (above) Im no beauty major or anything like that. Im just an average girl who knows what she likes and has found some great, cheap, easy fixes for your everyday "girly" problems. _______________________________________________________And look what I managed to do! I found my fastest drying polish and went to town! Maddie stayed asleep JUST long enough for them to dry! Whoopie! Didn't get to the lotion yet, so my tattoo looks a little faded! Oops.

Running for Punishment for eating a candy bar

Stepmother & Grandmother ran 9-year-old girl to death - CBS Atlanta
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Absolutely disgusting. I hope these two get the death penalty. I understand that every action has a reaction and you should be held accountable when you do something you're not supposed to. But to make an immuno-suppressed CHILD run for hours for eating a candy bar, is cruel and unusual punishment. Wouldn't a simple "time out" have sufficed? What kid DOESN'T want candy? What kid DOESN'T sneak candy from their parents? For her to be held accountable for what she eats, due to her bladder disorder, is negligent. There are so many woulda coulda shouldas that are going through a million peoples minds about this tragedy. But nothing will bring her back.

I feel awful for the father who had to take 8 flights to get home from overseas. He made it just in time to say good bye to his little girl. 

Will you take the pledge?

     Ain't this the truth! Don't get me wrong here. I LOVE her cause and what she stands for.. BUT.. these commercials could make one unstable person commit suicide. Its awful. The song on the commercial, "arms of an angel" have been played at many a funerals and I think they could've gone with another theme song. Just my opinion though. 
   I have to change the channel every time this one comes on because it just breaks my heart. I worked with animals for a 4 years and some change. I worked with rescue groups, foster fur parents, and your standard primary veterinary practice. I learned a lot and saw a whole lot more than I wanted to. This too is another reason why Im losing faith in humanity. The horror and torture animals go through everyday is unnecessary and cruel. 
     So please, donate whatever you can (towels, food, crates, beds, cat scratch towers, toys, medications, vaccines, etc.) call animal control/rescue groups when you see or know about any animal abuse what so ever. There are many resources out there that can help you get these animals out of the hands or murderers and animal abusers. Click on this super cute pup and take the pledge with ASPCA!

Will You Fight for Them? Take the Pledge.

I support the ASPCA in its steadfast commitment to end animal cruelty. I will do all that is possible to help the animals in my community live happy, healthy lives.
To the that end, I pledge to: 
- Learn to recognize animal cruelty.
- Report animal cruelty. 
- Set a good example for others.
- Fight for the passage of anti-cruelty laws.
- Receive emails from the ASPCA so I can be informed of the latest animal welfare news.