A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bank balance smaller, home happier, clothes dirty, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for.


Live Every moment, Laugh Everyday, Love Beyond Words

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Michellei in the hospital...

So Jesse took Michellei to the hospital a few hours ago... around 8am.
Im hoping she's in labor. Shes 2 days overdue, 1cm dilated and Im ready to meet my nephew.
Ethan Tilino Gray.
Mom is on her way to the hospital now and Im waiting on an update!!! Eeeek.. I remember being in her shoes only 3 short months ago. But its all worth it in the end.
Steve's going to take half a day off to be there for Jesse and I think that's really sweet of him. Not all of us have been getting along as we should, so Im glad that things are at least moving towards the better.

Updates to come...

its 10:30am and they sent her home. Im sure she's pissed. I know I was after being sent home twice!! Mom says Jesse's been up since 3am drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes. He has to be all nerves at this point. I called him and told him Id be there for them if they wanted me to. I even got Maddie's bag ready if we have to leave fast. Now we just need the baby to come. If she doesn't deliver by this coming Monday, then they'll induce her.

3:30pm and she's still at home. Not too sure what all is going on right now. I told Nanny to call me if she heard anything. I just cant help but be anxious for them right now. I know what they're going through and it can be scary... no matter how prepared you think you are.
They've got a lot coming their way and I really hope Jesse's going to step up. That baby deserves the best, not the bare minimum someone is hardly willing to do for him. There is nothing more important that your child and providing for him or her as best you can. Okay, off my soapbox I come.