A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bank balance smaller, home happier, clothes dirty, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for.


Live Every moment, Laugh Everyday, Love Beyond Words

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Cost Of Raising A Child

Total cost: $231,170

Expenses from birth until age 18, including $78,380 for public college

I found this article on Baby Center. You just enter in your marital status, approximate income, and if you plan to pay for a private or public college, and viola'! 

I just thought it was interesting to see what type of money we were looking at spending. Needless to say, it will not be cheap or easy. But all I can say, is that it will be worth every single penny.

Some of the numbers could skewed somewhat. For instance, we have gotten tons of
hand me down clothes and have only bought a few outfits here and there... pretty
much the ones I thought Maddie just couldn't live without! Healthcare wise, Maddie
is on Steve's insurance, and for the two of them its $200/month, so that's slightly
underestimated. But this definitely gives you a rough estimate of what you'd spend
the first year of your little one's life.

I sent this info to J & M in hopes that they would see what it really takes to provide for a baby.
But as usual, I get 0 response.

"You cant change people, who aren't willing to change"
"You cant change people, who aren't willing to change" 
"You cant change people, who aren't willing to change"

I need to pull a Bart Simpson and write ^that^ on a chalk board about 50,000 times! Then maybe, just maybe, I'll learn to stop trying to help people.

But here I go, getting off topic! So I'll stop here. Hope this post was helpful to any parents who read my extremely boring blog!!!